Dr. Darrell R. Fisher
Dr. Darrell Fisher has held the role of Nuclear-Medicine Physicist for Versant Physics since 2016. He is also the Past-President of the Health Physics Society, an international scientific organization of nearly 5,000 professionals who specialize in the science and practice of radiation safety.

B.A. Biology (radiation biology), cum laude
University of Utah
M.S. Nuclear Engineering Sciences (medical physics)
University of Florida
Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Sciences (health physics)
University of Florida
Previous Positions
Senior scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington (1978-2013)
Nuclear Medicine Physicist, Dade Moeller Inc./Dade Moeller Health Group, Richland, Washington (2013-2016)
More about Dr. Fisher
Dr. Darrell Fisher is a medical physicist, internal dosimetry specialist, and radiation safety professional with Versant Medical Physics & Radiation Safety. During 35 years at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, he served as senior research scientist, program manager, and lead for the Laboratory’s isotope sciences program–a national nuclear technology resource.
His background includes work in medical physics, radiological sciences, radiation protection, radiation biology, nuclear engineering sciences, environmental sciences, radioisotope production, and radiochemistry. He specializes in the health effects and dosimetry of exposure to radioactive materials, medically administered radiopharmaceuticals, and uranium compounds. He provides medical internal dosimetry to various cancer research centers and pharmaceutical companies involved in studies on the effectiveness of radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies in cancer diagnosis and therapy. He helped to design therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, such as alpha-emitter immunoconjugates and beta-emitter radiogels as next-generation cancer treatments. He invented resorbable brachytherapy seeds and injectable radionuclide polymer composites for controlled delivery of yttrium-90 microspheres for treating non-resectable solid tumors.
Dr. Darrell Fisher is Research Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Washington State University College of Pharmacy, Affiliate Associate Professor of Radiology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and Affiliate Investigator in Clinical Research at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. He recently served as president of the Health Physics Society. As a loaned scientist from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Fisher previously served as senior technology advisor at U.S. Customs and Border Protection headquarters, in the Department of Homeland Security (2003-2005). And years earlier, he also served as an advisor to the U.S. Department of Energy on a three-year “openness” initiative involving review of the history of nuclear medicine and human radiation experiments.
Dr. Darrell Fisher serves as a technical proposal reviewer for various study sections of the National Cancer Institute and for the DOE Office of Science. He is a reviewer for the National Academy of Sciences, for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and for several science and medical journals. Since receiving his formal education, he has completed continuing education in environmental compliance, project management, leadership, and human relations.
- Seville Flowers Award in Biological Sciences, University of Utah (1969)
- Energy Research and Development Administration Graduate Studies Traineeship, University of Florida
- Elda E. Anderson Award, Health Physics Society (1986)
- Associate Editor, Antibody Immunoconjugates and Radiopharmaceuticals (1991-1995)
- Associate Editor, Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals (1995-1999)
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Molecular Imaging (2009-present)
- Software Development Award, Battelle Memorial Institute (1992)
- Associated Western Universities DOE Laboratory Distinguished Lecturer (1992-93)
- Hanford Environmental Science and Engineering Consortium Distinguished Lecturer (1994)
- Engineer of the Year, American Nuclear Society, Eastern Washington Section (1997)
- Tri-Cities Engineer of the Year, Washington Society of Professional Engineers (1997)
- Fellow of the Health Physics Society (2003)
- Federal Laboratory Consortium Awards, U.S. Department of Energy (2004 and 2012)
- American Chemical Society Regional Industrial Innovation Award (2004)
- R&D100 Award, R&D Magazine (2006)
- Fitzner-Eberhardt Laboratory Director’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Science and Engineering Education, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2011)
- Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award, Health Physics Society (2024)
- Biographical citations in Who’s Who in America 48th-66th eds., Who’s Who in the World 16th ed., Who’s Who in Technology 6th ed., Who’s Who in Technology Today, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 3rd ed., Who’s Who in the West 26th ed., American Men and Women of Science 23rd ed., Men of Achievement 16th ed., Health Physics 52(3):261-263 (1987), Dictionary of International Biography 23rd, 24th ed., The International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, 5th ed., 2000 Notable American Men, 3rd ed. America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals 2005-06, 2006-07.
Dr. Darrell Fisher is president-emeritus of the Health Physics Society, an international scientific organization of nearly 5,000 professionals who specialize in in the science and practice of radiation safety. Other professional society activities include:
Health Physics Society: President (2013-2014), Past-president (2014-2015),Treasurer (2007-2010), Board of Directors (1988-1993, 2007-2010), parliamentarian (1987-1988, 2000-2003), awards committee (2013-2018), finance committee (1988-1989; 2007-2010), rules committee (1985-1988; 1999-present), publications committee (1982-1985, 2004-2005), executive committee (2007-2010 and 2012-2015), scientific and public issues committee (2012-2017), awards committee (2015-2018), nominating committee (2015-2019)
Columbia Chapter, Health Physics Society: President (1983-1984)
Associate Editor, Health Physics journal (1985-1991)
Associate Editor, HPS Newsletter (1980-1985)
The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging; MIRD Committee (1994-present); Vice Chair (2012-present)
International Isotope Society (corresponding)
American Nuclear Society, and Eastern Washington Section (1997-present)
Affiliate Associate Professor of Radiology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington (1991-)
Adjunct Associate Professor, Graduate Program in Environmental Science, Washington State University (1995-)
Adjunct Associate Professor (Lecturer), Department of English and Humanities, Washington State University, Tri-Cities Campus (2000-)
Research Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Washington State University (2015-)
Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) Committee of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (1993-present)
Chair, NCRP Scientific Committee 46-10 on Occupational Dose from Internal Emitters (1989-2001)
American Association of Physicists in Medicine Task Group on the Dosimetry of Radiolabeled Antibodies (1986-present); Chair, Subcommittee on Dosimetry (1986-1995)
American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Task Group 7 on Radionuclide Therapy and Data Acquisition Methods, (1995-2007)
Department of Energy Expert Group on Internal Dosimetry (1986-1996)
American National Standards Institute/Health Physics Society Working Group N13.39 on Standard for Internal Dosimetry Programs (1995-2002)
U.S. Representative (co-convenor) to International Standards Organization Technical Committee 85, Subcommittee 2, Working Group 13 on Internal Dose Evaluation of Bioassay Results (1997-2003)
Hanford Health Effects Subcommittee, a federal advisory committee of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the Centers for Disease Control (1998-2004)
Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2007-2011)
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), Task Group 101 on Therapy with Radiopharmaceuticals (2012-present)
Radiation Dose Optimization Task Force, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2012-present)
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Main Committee CC-1 on Radiation Protection (2014-present)
Chen, X., C. M. Wai, and D. R. Fisher. June 13, 2000. “Ion Binding Compounds, Radionuclide Complexes, Methods of Making Radionuclide Complexes, Methods of Extracting Radionuclides, and Methods of Delivering Radionuclides to Target Locations.” S. No. 6,075,130.
Fisher, D.R., M. Wai, and X. Chen. September 12, 2000. “Radionuclide-binding Compound, a Radio-nuclide Delivery System, a Method of Making a Radium Complexing Compound, a Method of Extracting a Radionuclide, and a Method of Delivering a Radionuclide. U.S. No. 6,117,413.
Weller, R.E., M.A. Lind, D.R. Fisher, A. Gutowska, and A.A. Campbell. October 2, 2001. “Stimulus Sensitive Gel with Radioisotope and Methods of Making. S. No. 6,296,831 B1
Fisher, D. R., D.L. Alexander, and S. Satz. December 3, 2002. “Quality Assurance Flood Source and Method of Making.” S. No. 6,489,617.
Weller, R.E., M.A. Lind, D.R. Fisher, A. Gutowska, and A.A. Campbell. March 22, 2005. “Stimulus Sensitive Gel with Radioisotope and Methods of Making. S. No. 6,869,588.
Johnsen, A.M., C.Z.Soderquist, B.K. McNamara, and D.R.Fisher. April 23, 2013. “Purification Process for 153Gd Produced in Natural Europium Targets. S. No. 8,425,654.
Fisher, D.R., Y.H. Bae, and Z. Gao. September 2, 2014. “Brachytherapy Seed with Fast Dissolving Matrix for Optimal Delivery of Radionuclides to Cancer Tissue.” S. No. 8,821,364 B2.
Volunteer, Community Cancer Patient Counselor (1995-present)
Volunteer, Assistant to the Director, National Association of Cancer Patients (1999-2005)
Volunteer, Founding Board Member, Nuclear Medicine Research Council, Richland (1995-2005)
Volunteer, Scientific Advisor, Citizens for Medical Isotopes (2003-present)
Patient’s Rights Advocate, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (2007-present)
Volunteer, Grants Selection Committee, Fighting Children’s Cancer Foundation (2007-2010)
Fisher, D. R., C.W. Mays and G.N. Taylor. 1975. “Ca-DTPA Toxicity in the Mouse Fetus.” Health Phys. 29:780-782.
Fisher, D. R., C.W. Mays and J.G. Dockum. 1976. “Decorporation of 241Am from Mouse Bone Using Zn-DTPA and Parathyroid Hormone.” Health Phys. 30:313-315.
Fisher, D.R., S.E. Calder, C.W. Mays and G.N. Taylor. 1976. “Ca-DTPA Induced Fetal Death and Malformation.” Teratology 14:123-127.
Fisher, D.R. and B.G. Dunavant. 1978. “Internal Decontamination of Radiocobalt.” Health Phys. 35:279-285.
Fisher, D.R., and W.C. Roesch. 1981. “The Microdosimetry of Plutonium in Beagle Dog Lung.”
In Seventh Symposium on Microdosimetry, J. Booz, H.G. Ebert, and H.D. Hartfiel, eds., pp. 1399-1408. Harwood Academic Publishers Ltd., London.
Fisher, D. R., P.O. Jackson, G.G. Brodaczynski and R.I. Scherpelz. 1982. Measurements of U-234, U-238, and Th-230 in Excreta of Uranium Mill Crushermen. NUREG/CR-2503, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
Fisher, D.R. and R. Harty. 1982. “The Microdosimetry of Lymphocytes Irradiated by Alpha Particles.” Int. J. Rad. Biol. 41:315-324.
Fisher, D.R. (ed.) 1983. Current Concepts in Lung Dosimetry. CONF-820492-Pt.1. Technical Information Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Fisher, D.R., P.O. Jackson, G.G. Brodaczynski and R. I. Scherpelz. 1983. “Levels of U-234, U-238, and Th-230 in Excreta of Uranium Mill Crushermen.” Health Phys. 45:617-629.
Fisher, D.R. 1984. Principles of Microdosimetry in Radiation Protection. PNL-SA-11959. Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
Fisher, D.R. and R.T. Hadley. 1984. “A Statistical Lung Model for Microdosimetry.” In Lung Modelling for Inhalation of Radioactive Materials, H. Smith and G. Gerber, eds., pp. 265-271. Commission of the European Communities Report EUR-9384, Brussels.
Fisher, D.R., M.E. Frazier and T.K. Andrews. 1985. “Energy Distribution and the Relative Biological Effects of Internal Alpha Emitters.” Rad. Prot. Dosimetry 13:223-227.
Fisher, D.R. 1986. “The Microdosimetry of Monoclonal Antibodies Labeled with Alpha Emitters.” In Fourth International Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry Symposium, A. T. Schlafke-Stelson and E. E. Watson, eds., pp. 26-36, CONF-851113. Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Fisher, D.R. W.C. Canon, R.T. Hadley, and J.F. Park. 1986. “Preliminary Evaluation of Lung Doses for Dogs Exposed to 239PuO2.” In Life-span Radiation Effects Studies in Animals: What Can They Tell Us? In Proceedings of the Twenty-second Hanford Life Sciences Symposium. Thompson R.C. and Mahaffey J.A., eds., pp. 683-696. CONF-830951Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Fisher, D.R. 1987. “Uranium.” Chapter 68 in Handbook on the Toxicity of Inorganic Compounds, 739-748, H.G. Seiler and H. Sigel, eds. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Fisher, D.R. 1988. “Specific Energy Distributions for Alpha Emitters in the Dog Lung.” In Inhaled Particles VI, J. Dodgson, R.I. McCallum, M.R. Bailey and D.R. Fisher, eds., pp. 1095-1104, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Fisher, D.R. 1989. “Alpha-Particle Emitters in Medicine.” In Dosimetry of Administered Radionuclides, ed. by S.J. Adelstein, A.I. Kassis, and R.W. Burt, American College of Nuclear Physicians, Washington, DC, pp. 194-214.
Bianco, J.A., P.A. Brown, L. Durack, C. Badger, I. Bernstein, J. Eary, J. Durham, D.R. Fisher, B. Sandmaier, and F. Schuening. 1990. “Effects of Propylthiouracil on the Biodistribution of an Iodine-131-labeled Anti-myeloid antibody in Normal Dogs: Dosimetry and Clinical Implications.” J. Nucl. Med. 31:1384-1389.
Fisher, D.R., M.J. Swint, and R.L. Kathren. 1990. Evaluation of Health Effects in Sequoyah Fuels Corporation Workers from Accidental Exposure to Uranium Hexafluoride. NUREG/CR-5566, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
Matthews, D.C., F.R. Appelbaum, J.F. Eary, T.E. Hui, D. R. Fisher, P.J. Martin, L.D. Durack, W.B. Nelp, O.W. Press, C. C. Badger, and I.D. Bernstein. 1991. “Radiolabeled anti-CD45 monoclonal antibodies target lymphohematopoietic tissue in the macaque.” Blood 78:1864-74.
Fisher, D. R., C.C. Badger, H. Breitz, J.F. Eary, J.S. Durham, T.E. Hui, R.L. Hill, and W.B. Nelp. 1991. “Internal Radiation Dosimetry for Clinical Testing of Radiolabeled Monoclonal Antibodies.” Antibody Immunocon. & Radiopharm. 4:655-664.
Fisher, D.R., R.L. Kathren, and M.J. Swint. 1991. “Modified Biokinetic Model for Uranium from Analysis of Acute Exposure to UF6.” Health Phys. 60:335-342.
Badger, C.C., D.R. Fisher, H. Shulman, C. Nourigat, T.E. Hui, F.R. Appelbaum, J.F. Eary, K. Krohn, D.C. Matthews, and I.D. Bernstein. 1991. “Biodistribution and Dosimetry Following Infusion of Antibodies Labeled with Large Amounts of I-131.” Cancer Res. 51:5921-5928.
Fisher, D. R., T.E. Hui, and A.C. James. 1991. “Model for Assessing Radiation Dose to Epithelial Cells of the Human Respiratory Tract from Radon Progeny.” Rad. Prot. Dosimetry 38:73-80.
Stinchcomb, T.G., J.S. Durham, and D.R. Fisher. 1991. “Obtaining S Values for Rectangular-solid Tumors Inside Rectangular-solid Host Organs.” Med. Phys. 18:555-558.
Hui, T.E., D.R. Fisher, O.W. Press, J.N. Weinstein, C.C. Badger, and I.D. Bernstein. 1992. “Localized Beta Dosimetry of I-131-labeled Antibodies in Follicular Lymphoma.” Med. Phys. 19:97-104.
Matthews, D.C., C.C. Badger, D.R. Fisher, T.E. Hui, C. Nourigat, F.R. Appelbaum, P.J. Martin, and I.D. Bernstein. 1992. “Selective radiation of hematolymphoid tissue delivered by anti-CD45 antibody. Cancer Res. 52:1228-1234.
Appelbaum, F.R., P.A. Brown, B.M. Sandmaier, R. Storb, D.R. Fisher, H.M. Shulman, T.C. Graham, F.G. Schuening, H.J. Deeg, and J.A. Bianco. 1992. “Specific Marrow Ablation Before Marrow Transplantation Using an Aminophosphonic Acid Conjugate 166Ho-EDTMP.” Blood 80:1608-1603.
Fisher, D. R., T.E. Hui, V.P. Bond, and A.C. James. 1992. “Microdosimetry of Radon Progeny: Application to Risk Assessment.” PNL-SA-18325. In Indoor Radon and Lung Cancer: Reality or Myth? Ed. by F.T. Cross, pp. 305-321, Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.
Breitz, H.B., D.R. Fisher, P.L. Weiden, J.S. Durham, B.A. Ratliff, M.J. Bjorn, P.L. Beaumier, and P.G. Abrams. 1993. “Dosimetry of Rhenium-186 Labeled Monoclonal Antibodies: Methods, Prediction from Tc-99m-Labeled Antibodies and Results of Phase I Trials.” J. Nucl. Med. 34:908-917.
Humm, J.L., J.C. Roeske, D.R. Fisher, and G.T.Y. Chen. 1993. “Microdosimetric Concepts in Radioimmuno-therapy.” Med Phys. 20:535-541.
Press, O.W., J.Eary, F.R. Appelbaum, P.J. Martin, C.C. Badger, W.B. Nelp, S. Glenn, G. Butchko, D.R. Fisher, B. Porter, D. Matthews, L. Fisher, and I.D. Bernstein. 1993. “Radiolabeled Antibody Therapy of B-Cell Lymphomas with Autologous Bone Marrow Support.” New England J. Med. 329(17):1219-1224.
Fisher, D.R., R.E. Schenter, and D.W. Wester. 1993. “A New Application for Old Radium: Production of Short-lived Alpha Emitters for Radioimmunotherapy.” PNL-SA-22060A. Proc. International Isotope Society Symposium on Isotope Production and Applications in Medicine, Science and the Environment, May 6-8, 1993, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Fisher, D.R. 1994. “Radiation Dosimetry for Radioimmunotherapy: An Overview of Current Capabilities and Limitations.” Cancer 73(3Suppl):905-911.
Hui, T.E., D.R. Fisher, J.A. Kuhn, L.E. Williams, C. Nourigat, C.C. Badger, B.G. Beatty, and J.D. Beatty. 1994. “A Mouse Model for Calculating Cross-Organ Beta Doses from 90Y-Labeled Immunoconjugates.” Cancer 73(3Suppl):951-957.
Beatty, B.B., J.A. Kuhn, T.E Hui, D.R. Fisher, L.E. Williams, and J.D. Beatty. 1994. “Application of the Cross-organ Beta Dose Method for Tissue Dosimetry in Tumor-bearing Mice Treated with a 90Y-labeled Immunoconjugate.” Cancer 73(3Suppl):958-965.
Fisher, D.R., and J.K. Briant. 1994. “Assessment of Accidental Intakes of Uranyl Acetylacetonate (UAA).” PNL-SA-21948. Rad. Prot. Dosimetry 53:263-267.
Wyse, E.J. and D.R. Fisher. 1994. “Radionuclide Bioassay by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS).” PNL-SA-23126. Rad. Prot. Dosimetry 55:199-206.
Fisher, D.R. 1994. “Medical Internal Dosimetry for High-dose Radionuclide Therapies.” PNL-SA-22121. Chapter 2 in Cancer Therapy with Radiolabeled Antibodies, ed. by D.M. Goldenberg, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Badger, C.C. and D.R. Fisher. 1994. “The Importance of Accurate Radiation Dosimetry in Radioimmuno-therapy of Cancer.” PNL-SA-23375. J. Nucl. Med. 35:300-302.
Matthews, D.C., F.R. Appelbaum, J.F. Eary, D.R. Fisher, L.D. Durack, S.A. Bush, T.E. Hui, P.J. Martin, D. Mitchell, O.W. Press, C.C. Badger, R. Storb, W.B. Nelp, and I.D. Bernstein. 1995. “Development of a Marrow Transplant Regimen for Acute Leukemia Using Targeted Hematopoietic Irradiation Delivered by I-131-Labeled Anti-CD45 Antibody, Combined with Cyclophosphamide and Total Body Irradiation. Blood 85:1122-1131.
Fisher, D.R. 1994. “From Micro to Macro Internal Dosimetry.” PNL-SA-24192. Chapter 4 in Internal Radiation Dosimetry, O. G. Raabe, ed., Medical Physics Publishing, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 61-80.
Fisher, D.R., T.E. Hui, M. Yurconic, and J.R. Johnson. 1994. Uranium Hexafluoride Public Risk.
PNL-10065. Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
Breitz, H.B., J.S. Durham, D.R. Fisher, and P.L. Weiden. 1995. “Pharmacokinetics and Normal Organ Dosimetry Following Intraperitoneal Re-186-labeled Monoclonal Antibody.” J. Nucl. Med. 36:754-761.
Press, O.W., J.F. Eary, F.R. Appelbaum, P.J. Martin, W.B. Nelp, S. Glenn, D.R. Fisher, B. Porter, D.C. Matthews, T. Gooley, and I.D. Bernstein. 1995. “Phase II Trial of I-131-B1 (Anti-CD-20) Antibody Therapy with Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Relapsed B Cell Lymphomas.” Lancet 346:336-340.
U.S. Department of Energy. 1995. Human Radiation Experiments: The Department of Energy Roadmap to the Story and the Records. DOE-EH-0445. Washington, DC, February, 1995 (key contributor).
U.S. Department of Energy. 1995. Human Radiation Experiments Associated with the U.S. Department of Energy and Its Predecessors. DOE-EH-0491. Washington, DC, July, 1995 (key contributor).
Breitz, H.B., J.S. Durham, D.R. Fisher, and P.L. Weiden. 1995. “Radiation-absorbed Dose Estimates to Normal Organs following Intraperitoneal Re-186-labeled Monoclonal Antibody: Methods and Results.” Cancer Res. (Suppl.) 55:5817s-5822s.
Howell, R.W., S.M. Goddu, V.R. Narra, D.R. Fisher, R.E. Schenter, and D.V. Rao. 1997. “Radiotoxicity of Gadolinium-148 and Radium-223 in Mouse Testes: Relative Biological Effectiveness of Alpha-Particle Emitters In Vivo.” Radiat. Res. 147:342-348.
Breitz, H.B., D.R. Fisher, and B.W. Wessels. 1998. “Marrow Toxicity and Radiation Absorbed Dose Estimates from Re-186-labeled Monoclonal Antibody.” J. Nucl. Med. 39:1746-1751.
Liu, S.Y., J.F. Eary, S.H. Petersdorf, P.J. Martin, D.G. Maloney, F.R. Appelbaum, D.C. Matthews, S.A. Bush, L.D. Durack, D.R. Fisher, T. Gooley, I.D. Bernstein, and O.W. Press. 1998. “Follow-up of Relapsed B-Cell Lymphoma Patients Treated with I-131-labeled Anti-CD20 (Anti-B1) Antibody and Autologous Stem Cell Rescue.” J. Clin. Oncol. 16:3270-3278.
Fisher, D.R. 1998. “Approaches to the Radiation Dosimetry of Red Marrow from Internal Radionuclides.” In Autologous Marrow and Blood Transplantation. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium, K.A. Dicke and A. Keating, eds., Arlington, Texas, July 27-30, 1998.
Chen, X., M. Ji, D.R. Fisher, and C.M. Wai. 1998. “Carboxylate-derived Calixarenes with High Selectivity for Actinium-225.” J. Chem Soc., Chem. Commun. (Cambridge):377-378.
Fisher, D.R. and G. Sgouros. 1999. “Dosimetry of Radium-223 and Progeny.” Proc. Sixth International Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry Symposium, A.T. Schlafke-Stelson, and E.E. Watson, eds., ORISE 99-0164, pp. 375-391, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Matthews, D.C., P.J. Martin, C. Nourigat, F.R. Appelbaum, D.R. Fisher, and I.D. Bernstein. 1999. “Marrow Ablative and Immunosuppressive Effects of I-131-anti-CD45 Antibody on Congenic and H-2 Mismatched Murine Transplant Models.” Blood 93:737-745.
Lloyd, R. D., D.R. Fisher, R.A. Schlenker, and S.C. Miller. 1999. “Some Problems in the Skeletal Dosimetry of Bone-seeking Radionuclides.” Health Phys. 76:402-412.
Espenan, G.D., J.A. Nelson, D.R. Fisher, D.S. Diaco, K.E. McCarthy, L.B. Anthony, T.J. Maloney, and E.A. Woltering. 1999. “Experiences with High Dose Radiopeptide Therapy: The Health Physics Perspective.” Health Phys. 76:225-235.
Matthews, D.C., F.R. Appelbaum, J.F. Eary, D.R. Fisher, L.D. Durack, T.E. Hui, P.J. Martin, D. Mitchell, O.W. Press, R. Storb, and I.D. Bernstein. 1999. “Phase I Study of I-131-Anti-CD45 Antibody Plus Cyclophosphamide and Total Body Irradiation for Advanced Acute Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome.” Blood 94:1237-1247.
Woltering, E.A., M.S. O’Dorisio, W.A. Murphy, F. Chen, G.J. Drouant, G.D. Espenan, D.R. Fisher, C. Sharma, D.S. Diaco, T.M. Maloney, J.A. Fuselier, J.A. Nelson, T.M. O’Dorisio, and D.H. Coy. 1999. “Synthesis and Characterization of Multiply-Tyrosinated, Multiply-Iodinated Somatostatin Analogs.” J. Peptide Res. 53:201-213.
Breitz, H.B., D.R. Fisher, M.L. Goris, S. Knox, B. Ratliff, and P.L. Weiden. 1999. “Radiation Absorbed Dose Estimation for Y-90-DOTA-biotin with Pretargeted NR-LU-10/SA.” Cancer Biother. & Radiopharm. 14:381-395.
Fisher, D.R. 1999. “Consequences of Phosphorus-32 in Blood.” Confidential technical report prepared for Radiance Medical Systems, Irvine, California, April 14, 1999.
Chen, X., M. Ji, D.R. Fisher, and C.M. Wai. 1999. “Ionizable Calixarene-Crown Ethers with High Selectivity for Radium over Light Alkaline Earth Metal Ions.” Inorg. Chem. 38(23): 5449 –5452.
Chen, X., M. Ji, D.R. Fisher, and C.M. Wai. 1999. “Monofunctionalization of Calix[4]arene Tetracarboxylic Acid at the Upper Rim with Isothiocyanate Group: First Bifunctional Chelating Agent for Alpha Emitter Ac-225.” Synlett 11:1784-1786.
Weiden, P.L., H.B. Breitz, O. Press, J.W. Appelbaum, J.K. Bryan, S. Gaffigan, D. Stone, D. Axworthy, D.R. Fisher, and J. Reno. 2000. Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy (PRITÔ) for Treatment of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL): Initial Phase I/II Study Results. Cancer Biother. & Radiopharm. 15(1):15-29.
Fisher, D.R. 2000. “Internal Dosimetry for Systemic Radiation Therapy.” Sem. in Rad. Oncol. 10(2):123-132.
Fisher, D.R. 2000. “Decorporation: Officially a Word.” Health Phys. 78:563-565.
Fisher, D.R. and T.E. Hui. 1999. “Mouse Models for Internal Radiation Dosimetry.” (letter) J. Nucl. Med. 40:1969-1970.
Knox, S.J., M.L. Goris, M.Tempero, P.L. Weiden, L. Gentner, H. Brietz, G.P. Adams, D. Axworthy, S. Gaffigan, K. Bryan, D.R. Fisher, D. Colcher, I.D. Horak, and L.M. Weiner. 2000. “Phase II Trial of Yttrium-90-DOTA-biotin Pretargeted by NR-LU-10 Antibody/Streptavidin in Patients with Metastatic Colon Cancer.” Clin. Cancer Res. 6:406-414.
Lloyd, R.D., G.N. Taylor, D.R. Fisher, R.A. Schlenker, and S.C. Miller. 2000. “Effective Thresholds for Induction of Skeletal Malignancies by Radionuclides.” Health Phys. 79:722-727.
Fisher, D.R., and E.W. Pearson. 2000. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Institutional Plan FY2001-2005. PNNL-13098-1. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
Press, O.W., J.F. Eary, T. Gooley, A.K. Gopal, S. Liu, J.G. Rajendran, D.G. Maloney, S. Petersdorf, S.A. Bush, L.D. Durack, P.J. Martin, D.R. Fisher, B. Wood, J.W. Borrow, B. Porter, M.P. Smith, D.C. Matthews,
F.R. Appelbaum, and I.D. Bernstein. 2000. “A Phase I/II Trial of Iodine-131-tositumomab (antiCD20), Etoposide, Cyclophosphamide, and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Relapsed B-Cell Lymphomas.” Blood 96:2934-2942.
Ruffner, K.L, P.J. Martin, S. Hussell, C. Nourigat, D.R. Fisher, I.D. Bernstein, and D.C. Matthews. 2001. “Immunosuppressive Effects of I-131-anti-CD45 antibody in Unsensitized and Donor-Antigen Presensitized H-2 Matched, Minor Antigen Mismatched Murine Transplant Models.” Cancer Res. 61:5126-5131.
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Griffiths, G.L., S.V. Govindan, R.M. Sharkey, D.R. Fisher, and D.M. Goldenberg. 2003. “90Y-DOTA-hLL2: An Agent for Radioimmunotherapy of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.” J. Nucl. Med. 44: 77-84.
Bethge, W.A., D.S. Wilbur, R. Storb, D.K. Hamlin, E.B. Santos, M.W. Brechbiel, D.R. Fisher, and B.M. Sandmaier. 2003. “Selective T-cell Ablation with Bismuth-213 Labeled anti-TCRab as Nonmyeloablative Conditioning for Allogeneic Canine Marrow Transplantation.” Blood 101:5068-5075.
Fisher, D.R. 2003. “Assessments for High Dose Radionuclide Therapy Treatment Planning. PNNL-37552, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry 105(1-4): 581-586.
Fisher, D.R., D. Rajon, H.B. Breitz, M.L. Goris, W.E. Bolch, and S.J. Knox. 2004. “Dosimetry Model for Radioactivity Localized to Intestinal Mucosa.” Cancer Biother. & Radiopharm. 19(3):293-307.
Schweppe, J., D.R. Fisher, and J. Ely. 2004. “Capabilities and Limitations of the Personal Radiation Detector.” PIET-43741-TM-095. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
Rajendran, J.G., D.R Fisher, A.K Gopal, L.D. Durack, O.W. Press, and J.F. Eary. 2004. “High-dose 131I-Tositumomab (anti-CD20) Radioimmunotherapy for non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: adjusting radiation absorbed dose to actual organ volumes.” J. Nucl. Med. 45(6):1059-1064.
Rajendran, J.G., Gopal, A.K., Fisher, D.R., Press, O.W., and Eary, J.F. 2004. “Comparison of Radiation Dose Estimation for Myeloablative Radioimmunotherapy for Relapsed or Recurrent Mantle Cell Lymphoma using 131I Tositumomab to that of Other Types of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.” Cancer Biother. & Radiopharm. 19(6):738-745.
Miao, Y., N.K. Owens, D.R. Fisher, T.J. Hoffman, and T.P. Quinn. 2005. “Therapeutic Efficacy of a 188Re-labeled alpha-melanocyte-stimulating Hormone Peptide Analog in Murine and Human Melanoma-bearing Mouse Models.” J. Nucl. Med. 46(1):121-129.
Nemacek, E.R., D.K. Hamlin, D.R. Fisher, K. Krohn, J.M. Pagel, F.R. Appelbaum, O.W. Press, and D.C. Matthews. 2005. “Biodistribution of Yttrium-90-labeled Anti-CD45 Antibody in a Nonhuman Primate Model.” Clin. Cancer Res. 11:787-794.
Miller, W.H., C. Hartmann-Siantar, D.R. Fisher, M-A. Descalle, T. Daly, J. Lehmann, M.R. Lewis, T. Hoffman, J. Smith, P.D. Situ, and W.A. Volkert. 2005. “Evaluation of Beta Absorbed Fractions in a Mouse Model for 90Y, 188Re, 166Ho, 149Pm, 64Cu, and 177Lu Radionuclides.” Cancer Biother. & Radiopharm. 20(4):436-449.
Wu Y., X. Zhang, Z. Xiong, Z. Cheng, D.R. Fisher, S. Liu, S.S. Gambhir, and X. Chen. 2005. “microPET Imaging of Glioma Integrin (α-v, β-3) Expression Using Cu-64-Labeled Tetrameric RGD Peptide .” J. Nucl. Med. 46:1707-1718.
Miao, Y., M. Hylarides, D.R. Fisher, T. Shelton, H. Moore, D.W. Wester, A.R. Fritzberg, C.T. Winkelmann, T. Hoffman, and T.P. Quinn. 2005. “Melanoma Therapy via Peptide-Targeted Alpha-Radiation.” Clin. Cancer Res. 11(15):5516-5521.
Shen S., LoBuglio A.F., Breitz H., Khazaeli M.B., Fisher D.R. and Meredith R.K. 2005. “Patient-Specific Dosimetry of Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy Using CC49 Fusion Protein in Patients with Gastrointestinal Malignancies.” J. Nucl. Med. 46(4):642-651.
Fisher, D.R. 2005. “Dosimetry and Risk Assessment: Fundamental Concepts.” Chapter 5 in Operational Health Physics: Planning and Implementation. Health Physics Society: McLean, VA.
Pagel, J.M., F.R. Appelbaum, J.F. Eary, J. Rajendran, D.R. Fisher, et al., and D.C. Matthews. 2006. “I-131-Anti-CD Antibody Plus Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Before Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in First Remission.” Blood 107(5):2184-2191.
Miao, Y., D.R. Fisher, and T.P. Quinn. 2006. “Reducing Renal Uptake of 90Y and 177Lu-labeled Alpha-melanocyte Stimulating Hormone Peptide Analogues. Nucl Med Biol. 33:723-733.
Jonasdottir, T.J., D.R. Fisher, J. Borrebæk, Ø.S. Bruland, and R.H.Larsen. 2006. “First In Vivo Evaluation of Liposome-encapsulated 223Ra as a Potential Alpha-particle Emitting Therapeutic Agent.” Anticancer Res. 26:2841-2848.
Bruland, Ø.S., D.R. Fisher, S. Nilsson, and R.H. Larsen. 2006. “High Linear Energy Transfer Irradiation Targeted to Skeletal Metastases by the Alpha Emitter Ra-223: Adjuvant or Alternative to Conventional Modalities?” Clin. Cancer Res. 12(20 Suppl):6250s-6257s; October 15, 2006.
Gopal A.K., J.G. Rajendran, T.A Gooley, J.M. Pagel, D.R. Fisher, S.H. Petersdorf, D.G. Maloney, J.F. Eary, F.R. Appelbaum, and O.W. Press. 2007. “High-dose 131I- Tositumomab (anti-CD20) Radioimmunotherapy and Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Adults ≥ 60 Years of Age with Relapsed or Refractory B-Cell Lymphoma.” J. Clin. Oncol. 25(11):1396-1402.
Wittman, R.S. and D. R. Fisher. 2007. “Multiple-estimate Monte Carlo Calculation of the Dose Rate Constant for a Cesium-131 Interstitial Brachytherapy Seed.” Medical Phys. 34(1):49-54.
Rajendran J.G., A.K. Gopal, D.R. Fisher, L.D. Durack LD, T. Gooley, and O.W. Press. 2008. “Myeloablative 131I Tositumomab Radioimmunotherapy in Treating Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Comparison of Dosimetry Based on Whole-Body Retention and Dose to Critical Organ Receiving the Highest Dose.” J Nucl Med 49:837–844.
Miao, Y., S.D. Figueroa, D.R. Fisher, H.A. Moore, R. F Testa, T. J. Hoffman, and T. P. Quinn. 2008.
“203Pb-labeled Alpha-melanocyte Stimulating Hormone Peptide as an Imaging Probe for Melanoma Detection.” J Nucl Med 49:823-829; 2008.
Nemecek E.R. D.J. Green, D.R. Fisher, J.M. Pagel, Y. Lin, A.K. Gopal, L.D. Durack, J.G. Rajendran, D.S. Wilbur, R. Nilsson, B. Sandberg, and O.W. Press. 2008. “Extracorporeal Adsorption Therapy: a Method to Improve Targeted Radiation Delivered by Radiometal-labeled Monoclonal Antibodies.” Cancer Biother Radiopharm 23(2):181-191.
Wu H., J. Wang, Z. Wang, D.R. Fisher, and Y. Lin. 2008. “Apoferritin-Templated Yttrium Phosphate Nanoparticle Conjugates for Radioimmunotherapy of Cancers.” J Nanoscience and Nanotech. 8(5):2316-2322.
Wu H., M.H. Engelhard, J. Wang, D.R. Fisher, and Y. Lin. 2008. “Synthesis of Lutetium Phosphate/Apoferritin Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Potential Applications in Radioimmunoimaging and Radioimmunotherapy of Cancers.” J Materials Chem. 18(15):1779-1783.
Fisher, D.R. 2008 “Commercial Availability of Alpha-emitting Radionuclides for Medicine.” Current Radiopharm. 1(3):127-134.
Bruland, Ø.S., T.J. Jonasdottir, D.R. Fisher, and R.H. Larsen. 2008. “Radium-223: From Radiochemical Development to Clinical Applications in Targeted Cancer Therapy. Current Radiopharm. 1(3):203-208
Fisher, D.R., R.F. Meredith, and S. Shen. 2009. “MIRD Dose Estimate Report No. 20: Radiation Absorbed Dose Estimates for 111In- and 90Y-Ibritumomab Tiuxetan (ZevalinTM).” J Nucl Med. 44(3):465-474.
Nakamae, H., D.S. Wilbur, D.K. Hamlin, M.S. Thakar, E.B. Santos E.B., D.R. Fisher, A.L. Kenoyer, J.M. Pagel, O.W. Press, R. Storb, and B.M. Sandmaier. 2008. “A Comparative Study of the Biodistributions, Myelosuppression and Toxicities in Mice of an Anti-CD45 Antibody Labeled with the alpha-Emitting Radionuclides 213Bi or 211At.” Cancer Res. 21(4):382-398.
Pagel, J.M., D.C. Matthews, A. Kenoyer, D.K. Hamlin, D.S. Wilbur, D.R. Fisher, A.K. Gopal, Y. Lin, L. Saganic, F.R. Appelbaum, and O.W. Press. 2009. “Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy Using Anti-CD45 Monoclonal Antibodies to Deliver Radiation to Murine Hematolymphoid Tissues and Human Myeloid Leukemia.” Cancer Res. 69:185-192.
Green D.J., Pagel J.M., Nemecek E.R., Lin Y., Kenoyer A., Pantelias A., Hamlin D.K., Wilbur D.S.,
Fisher D.R., Rajendran J.G., Gopal A.K., Park S.I., Press O.W. 2009. “Pretargeting CD45 enhances the selective delivery of radiation to hematolymphoid tissues in nonhuman primates.” Blood 114(6):1226-35.
Fisher D.R. and R.E. Weller. 2010. “Carcinogenesis from inhaled 239PuO2 in beagles: evidence for radiation homeostasis at low doses?” PNNL-SA-66470. Health Phys. 99(3):357–362.
Pagel J.M., T. A. Gooley, J. Rajendran, D. R. Fisher, W.A. Wilson, B. M. Sandmaier, D. C. Matthews,
H.J. Deeg, A. K. Gopal, P. J. Martin, R. F. Storb, O. W. Press, and F. R. Appelbaum. 2009. “Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation after conditioning with I-131-anti-CD45 antibody plus fludarabine and low-dose total body irradiation for elderly patients with advanced acute myeloid leukemia or high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome.” Blood 114(27):5444-5453.
Sgouros G., J.C. Roeske, M.R. McDevitt, S. Palm, B. J. Allen, D.R. Fisher, A.B. Brill, H. Song, R.W. Howell, and G. Akabani. 2010. “MIRD pamphlet No. 22 (abridged): radiobiology and dosimetry of α-particle emitters for targeted radionuclide therapy.” J Nucl Med 51:311-328.
Park S.I., Shenoi J., Pagel J.M., Hamlin D.K., Wilbur D.S., Orgun N., Kenoyer A.L., Frayo S.M., Axtman A., Bäck T., Lin Y., Fisher D.R., Gopal A.J., Green D.J., and Press O.W. 2010. “Conventional and Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy Using Bismuth-213 to Target and Treat Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas Expressing CD20: A Preclinical Model toward Optimal Consolidation Therapy to Eradicate Minimal Residual Disease.” Blood 116(20):4231-4239.
Pagel J.M., Kenoyer A., Bäck T.A., Hamlin D., Wilbur D.S., Fisher D.R., Park S.I., Frayo S.M., Axtman A.M., Orgun N., Orozoco J, Shenoi J., Lin Y., Gopal A.K., Green D., Appelbaum F.R., and Press O.W. 2011.
“Anti-CD45 pretargeted radioimmunotherapy using bismuth-213: high rates of complete remission and long-term survival in a mouse myeloid leukemia xenograft model.” Blood 118(3):703-711.
Soderquist C.Z., McNamara B.K., and Fisher D.R. 2012. “Production of high-purity radium-223 and thorium-227 from legacy actinium-beryllium neutron sources.” Curr. Radiopharm. 5(3):244-252.
Hattori N., Gopal A.K., Shields A.T., Fisher D.R., Gooley T., Pagel J.M., Press O.W., and Rajendran J.G. 2012. “Iodine-131-tositumomab myeloablative radioimmunotherapy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma: radiation dose to testes.” Nucl Med Comm.33(12):1225-1231.
Enger S.A., Fisher D.R., and Flynn R.T. 2013. “Gadolinium-153 as a brachytherapy isotope.” Phys. Med. Biol. 58(4):957-964.
Orozco J.J., Bäck T., Kenoyer A., Balkin E.R. Hamlin D.K., Wilbur D.S., Fisher D.R., Frayo S.L., Hylarides, M.D., Green D.J., Gopal A.K., Press O.W., and Pagel J.M. “Anti-CD45 radioimmunotherapy using 211At with bone marrow transplantation prolongs survival in a disseminated murine leukemia model.” Blood 121(18):3759-3767; 2013.
Johnsen A.M., Soderquist C.Z., McNamara B.K., and Fisher D.R. 2013. “A non-aqueous reduction process for purifying 153Gd produced in natural europium targets.” PNNL-SA-93290. Appl. Radiat. Isotop. 82:158-165.
Green, D.J., Orgun, N.N., Jones J.C., Hylarides M.D., Pagel J.M., Hamlin D.K, Wilbur D.S., Lin Y., Fisher D.R., Kenoyer A.L., Frayo S.L., Gopal A.K, Orozco J.J, Gooley T.A., Wood B.L., Bensinger W.I., and Press O.W. 2014. “A preclinical model of CD38-pretargeted radioimmunotherapy for plasma cell malignancies.”
Cancer Res. 2014 Feb 15;74(4):1179-1189.
Gopal A.K., Gooley T.A., Rajendran J.G., Pagel J.M., Fisher D.R., Maloney D.G., Appelbaum F.R., Cassaday R.D., Shields A., Press O.W. 2014. “Myeloablative I-131-tositumomab with escalating doses of fludarabine and autologous hematopoietic transplantation for adults age ≥ 60 years with B cell lymphoma.” Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 Jun;20(6):770-775.
Mawad R., Gooley T.A., Rajendran J.G., Fisher D.R., Gopal A.K., Shields A.T., Sandmaier B.M., Sorror M.L., Deeg H.J., Storb R., Green D.J., Maloney D.G., Appelbaum F.R., Press O.W., Pagel J.M. 2014. “Radiolabeled Anti-CD45 Antibody with Reduced-Intensity Conditioning and Allogeneic Transplantation for Younger Patients with Advanced Acute Myeloid Leukemia or Myelodysplastic Syndrome.” Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 May 20. pii: S1083-8791(14)00299-7.
Meredith R, Torgue J, Shen S, Fisher DR, Banaga E, Bunch P, Morgan D, Fan J, and Straughn, Jr. JM. 2014. “Dose Escalation and Dosimetry of First-in-Human Alpha Radioimmunotherapy with 212Pb-TCMC-Trastuzumab.” J. Nucl Med. 55(10):1636-1642.
Frost SHL, Frayo SL, Miller BW, Orozco JJ, Booth GC, Hylarides MD, Lin Y, Green DJ, Gopal AK, Pagel JM, Bäck TA, Fisher DR, and Press OW. 2014. “Comparative Efficacy of 177Lu and ⁹⁰Y for Anti-CD20 Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy in Murine Lymphoma Xenograft Models,” PLoS One.e. 2015 Mar 18;10(3):e0120561.
Balkin ER, Kenoyer A, Orozco JJ, Hernandez A, Shadman M, Fisher DR, Green DJ, Hylarides MD, Press OD, Wilbur S, and Pagel JM. “In vivo Localization of 90Y- and 177Lu-Radioimmunoconjugates Using Cerenkov Luminescence Imaging in a Disseminated Murine Leukemia Model,” Cancer Res. 74(20):5846-5854; 2014.
Fisher DR. “Our distinctive and noble profession.” Japanese J. Health Phys. 49(3):119-120; 2014.
Miller BW, Frost SH, Frayo SL, Kenoyer AL, Santos E, Jones JC, Green DJ, Hamlin DK, Wilbur DS, Fisher DR, Orozco JJ, Press OW, Pagel JM, Sandmaier BM. “Quantitative single-particle digital autoradiography with α-particle emitters for targeted radionuclide therapy using the iQID camera. Med Phys. Jul;42(7):4094-105; 2015.
Phaëton R, Gutierrez J, Jiang Z, Karabakhtsian RG, Albanese J, Sunkara J, Fisher DR, Goldberg GL, and Dadachova E. “Naïve and radiolabeled antibodies to E6 and E7 HPV-16 oncoproteins show pronounced antitumor activity in experimental cervical cancer.” Immunotherapy (e-published 2/2/2015).
Phaëton R, Jiang Z, Revskay E, Fisher DR, Goldberg GL, and Dadachova E. “Beta emitters rhenium-188 and lutetium-177 are equallye effective in radioimmunotherapy of HPV-positive experimental cervical cancer.” Cancer Medicine (published Open Access); 2016.
Kasten BB, Azure MT, Schoeb TR, Fisher DR, and Zinn, KR. “Imaging, biodistribution, and toxicology evaluation of 212Pb-TCMC-trastuzumab in nonhuman primates.” Nucl Med Biol. 43(7):391-396; 2016
Green DJ, Frayo SL, Lin Y, Hamlin DK, Fisher DR, Frost SH, Kenoyer AL, Hylarides MD, Gopal AK, Gooley TA, Orozco JJ, Till BG, O’Steen S, Orcutt KD, Wilbur DS, Wittrup KD, Press OW. Comparative Analysis of Bispecific Antibody and Streptavidin-Targeted Radioimmunotherapy for B-cell Cancers. Cancer Res. 2016 Nov 15;76(22):6669-6679.
O’Steen S, Gopal AK, Orozko JJ, Green DJ, Kenoyer AL, Lin Y, Wilbur DS, Hamlin DK, Fisher DR, Hylarides MD, Gooley TA, Waltman A, Till BG, Press OW. “Venetoclax Synergizes with Radiotherapy for Treatment of B-cell Lymphomas.” Cancer Research (in press, 2017).
Cantley JL, Fisher DR, Lin, Albani DM, Zorrilla A, and Bolch WE. “Radiation dose to non-targeted tissues of the eye during polymer based delivery of 90Y to ocular melanoma of the choroid.” Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 3:035024; 2017.
Fisher DR and Fahey FH. “Appropriate use of effective dose in radiation protection and risk assessment.” Health Phys. 113(2):102-109; 2017.
Shah MA, Zhang X, Rossin R, Robillard MS, Fisher DR, Bueltmann T, Hoeben FJM, and Quinn TP “Metal-free Cycloaddition Chemistry Driven Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy Using α-Particle Radiation” Biconjug Chem. 2017 Dec 20;28(12):3007-3015.
Jiang Z, Revskayal E, Fisher DR, and Dadachova E. “In vivo evaluation of free and chelated accelerator-produced Actinium-225: radiation dosimetry and toxicity results.” Current Radiopharm 11(3):215-222; 2018.
Yang J, Xu J, Cheuy L, Gonzalez R, Fisher DR, Miao Y. “Evaluation of a Novel Pb-203-Labeled Lactam-Cyclized Alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Peptide for Melanoma Targeting.” Molecular Pharm. Apr 1;16(4):1694-1702; 2019.
Green DJ, O’Steen S, Lin Y, Comstock ML, Kenoyer AL, Hamlin DK, Wilbur DS, Fisher DR, Nartea M, Hylarides MD, Gopal AK, Gooley TA, Orozco JJ, Till BG, Orcutt KD, Wittrup KD, Press OW. CD38-bispecific antibody pretargeted radioimmunotherapy for multiple myeloma and other B-cell malignancies. Blood. 2018 Feb 8;131(6):611-620.
Shah MA, Zhang X, Rossin R, Robillard MS, Fisher DR, Bueltmann T, Hoeben FJM, Quinn TP. Metal-free cycloaddition chemistry driven pretargeted radioimmunotherapy using α-particle radiation. Bioconjug Chem. 2017 Dec 20;28(12):3007-3015.
Siegel JA, Brooks AL, Fisher DR, Zanzonico PB, Doss M, OʼConnor MK, Silberstein EB, Welsh JS, Greenspan BS. A critical assessment of the linear no-threshold hypothesis: its validity and applicability for use in risk assessment and radiation protection. Clin Nucl Med. 2019; Jul;44(7):521-525.
Vo P, Gooley TA, Rajendran JG, Fisher DR, Orozco JJ, Green DJ, Gopal AK, Haaf R, Nartea M, Storb R, Appelbaum FR, Press OW, Pagel JM, Sandmaier BM. Yttrium-90-labeled anti-CD45 antibody followed by a reduced-intensity hematopoietic cell transplantation for patients with relapsed/refractory leukemia or myelodysplasia. Haematologica. 105(6) June 2020. https://doi.org/10.3324/haematol.2019.229492.
Cassaday RD, Press OW, Pagel JM, Rajendran JG, Gooley TA, Fisher DR, Holmberg LA, Miyaoka RS, Sandmaier BM, Green DJ, Gopal AK. Phase I study of a CD45-targeted antibody-radionuclide conjugate for high-risk lymphoma. Clin Cancer Res 25:6932–69388; 2019.
Fisher DR. Should Hotel Housekeepers be Monitored? Health Phys. 119(3): 366; 2020.
Matesan M, Fisher DR, Wong R, Gopal A, Hutchinson E, Wanner M, Pal S, Bensinger W, Sandmaier B, Pagel J, Orozco J, Press OW, Cassaday R, Thostenton C, Rajendran J. Biokinetics of Radiolabeled Monoclonal Antibody BC8: Differences in Biodistribution and Dosimetry among Hematologic Malignancies, J Nucl Med 61(9): 16A, September 1, 2020.
Tuazon SA, Cassaday RD, Gooley TA, Sandmaier BM, Holmberg LA, Smith SD, Maloney DG, Till BG, Martin DB, Chow VA, Rajendran JG, Fisher DR, Matesan MC, Lundberg SJ, Green DJ, Pagel JM, Press OW, Gopal AK. Yttrium-90 Anti-CD45 Immunotherapy Followed by Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Relapsed or Refractory Lymphoma. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation; September 24, 2020. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbmt.2020.09.021.
Fisher DR. Rational Basis for Updating the Recommended Limit on Radiation Dose to the Public. Health Phys. 118(3):271-272; 2020.
Fisher DR. Radiation Safety for Yttrium-90-polymer Composites (RadioGelTM) in Therapy of Solid Tumors. Health Phys. (published ahead of press, February 12, 2021).
Osborne D, Kiser JW, Knowland J, Townsend D, and Fisher DR. Patient-specific Extravasation Dosimetry using Uptake Probe Measurements. Health Phys. 120(3): 339-343; 2021.
Tuazon SA, Cassaday RD, Gooley TA, Sandmaier BM, Holmberg LA, Smith SD, Maloney DG, Till BG, Martin DB, Chow VA, Rajendran JG, Fisher DR, Matesan MC, Lundberg SJ, Green DJ, Pagel JM, Press OW, Gopal AK. Yttrium-90 Anti-CD45 Immunotherapy Followed by Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Relapsed or Refractory Lymphoma. Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 27:57.e1-58.e8; 2021.
Fisher DR. Radiation safety for yttrium-90-polymer composites (RadioGel™) in therapy of solid tumors. Health Phys. 120(5):510-516; 2021.
Fisher DR. Perspectives on internal dosimetry for optimized radionuclide therapy. Cancer Biother Radiopharm 37(3): 161-165; 2022 (E-pub September 27, 2021).
Broqueza J, Prabaharan CB, Allen KJH, Miao R, Fisher DR, Ryan Dickinson R, Valerie MacDonald-Dickinson V, Uppalapati M, and Dadachova E. Radioimmunotherapy targeting IGF2R on canine patient derived osteosarcoma tumors in mice and radiation dosimetry in canine and pediatric models. Pharmaceuticals 15:10; 2022 (E-pub December 22, 2021).
Chow VA, Cassaday RD, Gooley TA, Smith SD, Sandmaier BM, Green DJ, Orozco JJ, Tuazon SA, Matesan M, Fisher DR, Maloney DG, Press OW, Gopal, AK. Megadose 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan prior to allogeneic transplantation is effective for aggressive large B-cell lymphoma. Blood Advances 6(1): 37-45; 2022.
Fisher DR and Liverett M. Radiopharmaceutical extravasation: pragmatic radiation protection. Health Phys. 122(4): 537–539; 2022.
Wilson S, Osborne D, Long M, Knowland J, Fisher DR. Practical tools for patient-specific characterization and dosimetry of radiopharmaceutical extravasations. Health Phys. 123(5): 343–347; 2022.
Peter R, Sandmaier BM, Dion MP, Frost SHL, Santos EB, Kenoyer A, Hamlin DK, Wilbur DS, Stewart RD, Fisher DR, Vetter K, Seo Y, and Miller BW. Small-scale (sub-organ and cellular level) alpha-particle dosimetry methods using an iQID digital autoradiography imaging system. Sci Rep 12, 17934 (2022).
Bartlett RM, Bolch WE, Brill AB, Dewaraja YK, Fahey FH, Fisher DR, Hobbs RF, Howell RW, Meredith RF, Rajendran JG, Sgouros G, and Zanzonico P (MIRD Committee). MIRD Primer 2022: A Complete Guide to Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging, Reston, Virginia; 2022.
Kesner AL, Carter LM, Ocamp Ramos JC, Lafontaine D, Olguin E, Brown J, President B, Zanzonico PB, Jokisch DW, Fisher DR, and Bolch WE. MIRD Pamphlet No. 28, Part1: MIRDcalc – A software tool for medical internal radiation dosimetry. J Nucl Med 64:1-8; 2023.
Orozco J, Matesan M, Lundberg S, Haaf R, Miyaoka R, Fisher D, Gooley T, Martin P, Green D, Press O, Sandmaier B, and Gopal A. Pretargeted Anti-CD20 Radioimmunotherapy with scFv Fusion Protein Safely Combines with BEAM and ASCT in patients with High-Risk B-cell Lymphomas. Clinical Cancer Res (in press, 2023).
Zheng Qiao, Jingli Xu, Darrell R. Fisher, Rene Gonzalez, Yubin Miao Introduction of a Polyethylene Glycol Linker Improves Uptake of 67Cu-NOTA-Conjugated Lactam-Cyclized Alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Peptide in Melanoma. Cancers 15:2755; 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers15102755.
Fisher DR. History of the 1 mSv Public Dose Limit. Health Phys 125(6):448-449; 2023.
Orozco J, Vo P, Gooley T, Haaf R, Lundberg S, Hamlin D, Wilbur DS, Matesan M, Fisher DR, Gopal A, Green D, Press OW, Pagel J, and Sandmaier B. Targeted Radiation Delivery Before Haploidentical HCT for High-risk Leukemia or MDS Patients Yields Long Term Survivors. Clin Cancer Res 30 (2): 274–282; 2024.
Affiliate Investigator, Division of Clinical Research, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington (1993-present)
Science Advisor, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Human Radiation Experiments, EH-1 (1994-1996)
Science Advisor, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security (2003-2005)
Scientific Director, Office of National Isotope Programs, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy (2007-2009)