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Five Reasons Your Facility Needs a Radiation Safety Officer
A radiation safety officer is an individual responsible for radiation safety in a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or Agreement State licensed program. They ensure that any activity involving radiation and

Manage Your Personnel Dosimetry Program with Versant Physics
Personnel Dosimetry is a key part of any radiation safety program. The dosimeter’s primary use is to determine doses to individuals who are exposed to radiation on the job by

After Fukushima:
Training Medical Responders to Care for Contaminated Patients
Author Bio: Since 1981, Andrew Karam, PhD, CHP has worked primarily in areas related to radiation safety as a radiation safety professional, a scientist and professor, a consultant, or an

Managing Equipment and Radioactive Waste with Odyssey Software
Odyssey software helps RSOs and EHS personnel manage their organization’s radiation equipment, and makes it easy to track the storage and disposal of radioactive waste. Click below to view our

White Paper: Extravasation Events in the Nuclear Medicine Clinic
Versant Physics own Dr. Darrell Fisher, Ph.D., and Misty D. Liverett, M.S., CNMT recently completed a white paper that supports the belief that nuclear medicine extravasation events should be assessed

Odyssey Webinar Recap: Top 5 Takeaways
This week our team members Ethan Zink and Katelyn Waters gave a presentation on Odyssey software in an engaging and informative webinar. Their discussion highlighted four of Odyssey’s 11 modules