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The Basics of Radiation Shielding in Medicine
Basic radiation protection guidelines can be summed up in three simple concepts: time, distance, and shielding. While both limiting the time spent and increasing the proximity to an ionizing radiation source is something that lies within the power of the individual, shielding and X-ray room design require careful planning and execution by the facility or Radiation Safety Officer.

What are Radiation Medical Events and How to Prevent Them
When radiation is administered improperly it is classified as a radiation medical event. A radiation medical event can occur when certain forms of radioactive sources are applied differently from what was intended or prescribed.

How to Increase Dosimetry Compliance Rates with Versant Physics Proven Management Process
It can be a challenge to get workers to wear and read their dosimeters in accordance with state and federal regulations. This leads many RSOs to wonder if it is possible to improve dosimetry compliance rates, particularly in large programs that have hundreds of occupationally exposed individuals to monitor.

Why We Need Laser Safety Officers
The role of the Laser Safety Officer (or LSO) is a key element to a successful laser safety program. But what is that they do?

Top 3 Consumer Products that Contain Radioactive Materials
Radioactive materials are present in our natural environment and in man-made products we use every day. Such consumer products are defined as “a device or manufactured item into which radionuclides

Odyssey “How To” Series: Forms Module
Join us for week 12 of our Odyssey How-To series with Odyssey Implementation Analyst Katelyn Waters. This week, we take a look at the recently updated Forms module and answer